Worship-Tech is a new email discussion group for those involved with producing electronic visual media for Christian worship. Topics include ideas for worship media, how and why media matters, how-to techniques, tools and shortcuts, etc. Mostly this is an opportunity for people to share their experiences with others in this field.
Subscription is free. Simply follow the instructions below. Once subscribed, you will receive all messages in your mailbox. To post a message to the group, simply send email to [email protected] . Your message will be automatically distributed to all the other members. If you want to respond to someone privately, be sure to write their personal email address and not [email protected] .
To subscribe:
Send email to [email protected] and in the body of the message type:
subscribe Worship-Tech youremailaddress
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Send email to [email protected] and in the body of the message type:
unsubscribe Worship-Tech youremailaddress
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Send email to [email protected] and in the body of the message type:
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For more information contact [email protected]